Add 1st party user identifiers
Current industry and legal initiatives are disrupting user identification. Teads is able to leverage your logged traffic in order to increase the monetization of your inventory. From advertisers’ perspective, this traffic is highly valuable to access individual targeting demand.
We recommend you to pass to Teads SSP your user unique identifiers.
As other 1st party identifiers, data are stored on your domain in the way you choose. Once the information is stored, you have to pass those information to Teads Cookieless Tag. This tag will then take care of passing those identifiers to Teads SSP for monetisation.
First step is to check your integration of the Teads Cookieless Tag contains the following code:
window.teads_analytics.share = window.teads_analytics.share || function() {
;(window.teads_analytics.shared_data = window.teads_analytics.shared_data || []).push(arg);
Once this function is set on the page, you’ll be able to pass user identifier to Teads SSP as soon as they are ready with the following code:
{"share_id": {name: "ID_NAME", value: ID_VALUE}}
The parameter ID_NAME indicates to Teads SSP the source of the identifier. It can be one of the following:
You can easily inspect the object teads_analytics on the window to see if you successfully passed the IDs:
Add your publisher 1st party identifier
As a publisher, you can already have your user identifiers (which could be a viewer id stored in a cookie on your domain). Some complementary documentation can be found on Google DV360.
To leverage this data with Teads SSP via the following:
{"share_id": {name: "pfvi", value: VALUE}}
Add UID2.0 from The Trade Desk
If you consider UID2.0 technology from The Trade Desk, you can leverage those data with Teads.
The proposed workflow by The Trade Desk let you store the token value to a storage of your choice.
Let’s consider you store the token in a first party cookie named __uid2_advertising_token, you can do the following code to pass the token to Teads SSP:
function getCookie(cname) {
const cookies = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie)
.map(keyvalue => keyvalue.split('='));
const c = cookies.find(cookie => cookie[0].trim() === cname)
return c[1] || "";
var uid2Token = getCookie("__uid2_advertising_token");
{"share_id": {name: "uid2", value: uid2Token}}
Further documentation to UID2 can be found here :
Add IdentityLink from LiveRamp
If you consider IdentityLink technology from LiveRamp, you can leverage those data with Teads.
The proposed workflow by LiveRamp let you store the token value to a storage of your choice.
Once you retrieved stored the data, you can pass it to Teads SSP via
window.teads_analytics.share({"share_id": {name: "idl", value: VALUE}});