


AdPlacementSettings Description
enableDebug() Enable debug logging for Teads inApp SDK.
userConsent(subjectGdpr: String, consent: String, tcfVersion: TCFVersion , cmpSdkId: Int) The GDPR consent and status, should match the IAB specifications.
setUsPrivacy(usPrivacy: String) The CCPA consent string, should match the IAB specifications.
setGppConsent(consent: String, sectionIds: String) The GPP consent and applicable section ids, should match the IAB specifications.
disableBatteryMonitoring() Prevent to automatically set UIDevice.current.isBatteryMonitoringEnabled
disableCrashMonitoring() Disable crash monitoring that collects crashes on Teads SDK by default.
disableTeadsAudioSessionManagement() By default, the Teads SDK handles the audio session by setting its category to ambient. This means that all the audio played by other apps will be simply mixed with the ad sound.
addExtras(String, for: String) Add the given extra to your placement settings data.


AdRequestSettings Description
pageUrl(url: String) This gives context to Teads inApp SDK for Brand Safety
enableValidationMode() Enable the Validation Tool mode.
addExtras(String, for: String) Add the given extra to your request settings data.


TeadsAdapterSettings Description
enableDebug() Enable debug logging for Teads inApp SDK.
userConsent(subjectGdpr: String, consent: String, tcfVersion: TCFVersion , cmpSdkId: Int) The GDPR consent and status, should match the IAB specifications.
setUsPrivacy(usPrivacy: String) The CCPA consent string, should match the IAB specifications.
setGppConsent(consent: String, sectionIds: String) The GPP consent and applicable section ids, should match the IAB specifications.
disableBatteryMonitoring() Prevent to automatically set UIDevice.current.isBatteryMonitoringEnabled.
disableCrashMonitoring() Disable crash monitoring that collects crashes on Teads SDK by default.
disableTeadsAudioSessionManagement() By default, the Teads SDK handles the audio session by setting its category to ambient. This means that all the audio played by other apps will be simply mixed with the ad sound.
pageUrl(url: String) Provide context for brand safety purposes.
enableValidationMode() Enable the Validation Tool mode.
addExtras(String, for: String) Add the given extra to your placement and request settings data.
registerAdView(UIView, delegate: TeadsMediatedAdViewDelegate) Register the ad view in case of mediation adapter.
setMediaScale(_ mediaScale: MediaScale) Set how the MediaView fits on its container. Works for images only on inFeed native creatives.

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