
Troubleshooting & Common Issues

  1. You are testing one of the Test PIDs but no ad is delivered
  2. You received an ad from our server, but you can't click on it or the video doesn't start
  3. The ad starts but looks cropped
  4. Test PIDs are delivering ads but the production PIDs are not (provided by the account manager)
  5. The sound of the ad doesn't behave as expected on iOS apps

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You are testing one of the Test PIDs but no ad is delivered

If our server did not reply with an ad (error not-filled) while using a Test PID, please contact your local manager to ensure:

  • Your IP is not flagged as suspicious and is exclude listed due to too many testings and clicks. Please try with a different network connection (switch IP).
  • The country you're testing from is open to Teads delivery.

You received an ad from our server, but you can't click on it or the video doesn't start

  • Make sure the ad is visible. If you have a transparent overlay above your ad view, such as any other sort of view, our visibility algorithm will consider the ad view as hidden. In this case, you can find the incriminated ad view in your logs and the percentage of its visibility by filtering the logs by adCore.notifyAssetsDisplayChanged.
    Note that TeadsSDK is OM IAB certified, meaning creatives are evaluated by IAB Open Measurement third-party viewability logic, and both TeadsSDK and OMSDK rely on the same logic: any obstruction above the ad view is considered as an ad not visible. This certification is very important for our advertisers.

  • The ad slot is not big enough. An ad will be considered big enough and thus allowed to start only if it satisfies the following two conditions:

    • Both width and height are strictly greater than 150px.
    • Width x height is strictly greater than 10,000px.

  • If you have a transparent overlay covering all or almost all the screen, such as for displaying a button constantly: consider reducing the overlay to the minimum size, in this case, to the size of the button itself.

The ad starts but looks cropped

Some creatives, such as third-party VPAIDs coming from Open Exchange, may need a resize after loading.

These asynchronous resize requests need to be caught by the Teads inApp SDK in order to adapt the ad slot to the right ratio (especially for mediation integration where ad slot sizes are usually fixed).

You'll find in each integration article an "ad resizing" section.

Please ensure this part is implemented so that the Teads inApp SDK ad slot will fit any creative ratio.

You'll find in the test PIDs section a list of PIDs serving different-sized creatives to let you test the resize implementation.

Test PIDs are delivering ads but the production PIDs are not (provided by the account manager)

  • Production PIDs may not always respond with an ad 100% of the time.
  • Fill rate can be impacted by several factors (advertising demand, geolocation, article content, user consent, scroll rate, etc.).
  • However, if you want to maximize the chances of getting an ad (fill rate), please ensure:
    • The production PID is not flagged as "Test."
    • Good scroll rate (set the ad slot not at the bottom nor at the top of the article).
    • Good visibility (no element overlaying the ad slot).
    • Brand Safety (mandatory).
    • Privacy & consent management (EU/US mandatory).
    • App-ads.txt (mandatory).

The sound of the ad doesn't behave as expected on iOS apps

Please see the audio management section to explore audio mix configuration options.

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