
Integrating Teads formats using an iFrame or a SafeFrame


If you are integrating using an iFrame, please make sure it has the same domain name as the Website. 

This is to prevent Cross-Origin Request errors.

For example: 

<iframe src="http://samedomain.com">...</iframe>

If you need additional information or support with your integration, please contact your account manager directly.


Teads is fully compliant with the IAB’s SafeFrame API. However, if you opt for integrating with a SafeFrame, you won’t be able to dynamically choose the display location of the ad on your page.

Please make sure that the push functionality within the function $sf.ext.expand is enabled, otherwise our player won’t start. 

Please refer to IAB’s SafeFrame specification for more information.

SafeFrame integration pros and cons


  • Lazyload: SafeFrames are lazyloaded, this can improve the page loading time. Lazyloading is also natively supported by Teads format too.
  • Isolated environment: SafeFrame is an isolated environment. Everything is executed in a cross-domain iFrame. This can prevent bad actions from third-party partners. Teads runs only trusted partners ads into a friendly iFrame. Others external ads from programmatic are run into a cross-domain iFrame too.


  • User experience: The SafeFrame API is a layer between the page and Teads format that can cause latencies between the format and user interactions. This can impact the overall user experience.
  • KPI performance: The latencies introduced by the SafeFrame API can slow down the format from calculating the player positioning and viewability. This can impact the play/pause mechanism when the player is not visible. Some Business KPI can also be impacted.
  • API method implementation: In order to use a SafeFrame, the publisher will have to implement API methods such as 'expand push'. This requires development on his side with all associated activities. (bug fix / maintenance / API updates etc)
  • Positioning flexibility: SafeFrame is an isolated environment (cross-domain iFrame), the format can't look for a slot out of the iFrame. When SafeFrame is activated the ad slot is the SafeFrame iFrame itself. The publisher will have to append the SafeFrame iFrame at the exact place where he wants the player to open.

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