
VAST integration for inStream

This page will guide you through our list of available MACROs to proceed with our instream VAST integration. 

Once you receive your VAST tag from your Teads representative, you will need to replace the placeholders with actual data at the time the ad request is made. This is usually accomplished by adding your own MACROs into these ad (vast) tags where available. Be sure to encode values where possible.

Below are all available MACROs and their definitions. The Required Macros will need to be replaced for the VAST fill. Please Note: The Teads Macro taxonomy is just a placeholder – these values will need to be replaced (hardcoded) or utilize a MACRO that will be filled by your ad server or instream player.

Available Macros and definition: 

Required macros need to be replaced

Teads MacroSupported EnvironmentOptionalDescription
[BUNDLE]App, CTVRequiredBundle ID of the app.

For example:
[APPSTOREURL]App, CTVRequiredApp store URL

For example:
[PAGE_REFERER]WebRequiredThe page url that caused the navigation to the current page

[REFERER]WebRequiredThe page url where the impression will be shown

[DEVICEID]App, Web, CTVRequiredUnique Identifier for Advertisers such as Google Ad ID, Apple IDFA, or Roku's RIDA.

Example: 236A005B-700F-4889-B9CE-999EAB2B605D
[IP_ADDRESS]App, Web, CTVRequiredDefines the device IP address in IPv4 or IPv6
[USERAGENT]App, Web, CTVRequiredDefines the device user agent string.

Example: Roku%2FDVP-7.10%2520(047.10E04062A)
[PLAYER_HEIGHT]App, Web, CTVRequiredDefines the height of the player in pixels. Make sure to send a landscape aspect ratio
[PLAYER_WIDTH]App, Web, CTVRequiredDefines the width of the player in pixels. Make sure to send a landscape aspect ratio
[API]App, Web, CTVRequiredList of supported API frameworks for this impression. Refer to
List 5.6
. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be
[PLAYBACK_METHOD]App, Web, CTVRequiredPlayback methods that may be in use. If none are specified,
any method may be used. Refer to List 5.10. Only one
method is typically used in practice.
[PLACEMENT_TYPE]App, Web, CTVRequired Placement type for the impression. Refer to List

Teads MacroSupported EnvironmentOptionalDescription
[SCHAIN]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThis object represents both the links in the supply chain as well as an indicator whether or not the supply chain is complete
[APPNAME]App, CTVRecommendedName of the app based on the value passed in the app_name parameter

For example:
My App
[APPDOMAIN]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThe business domain name or the app domain of the entity

For example: 
[APPCATEGORY]App, CTVRecommendedArray of IAB content categories that describe the content producer
See: OpenRTB, Section 5.1

For example:
[APPVERSION]App, CTVRecommendedDefines the application version.

For example: 2.3
[DEVICE_MAKE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedDefines the make or manufacturer of the device.

Examples: Apple, Microsoft, Sony
[DEVICE_MODEL]App, Web, CTVRecommendedDefines the model of the device.

Examples: Apple TV, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
[DEVICE_OS]App, Web, CTVRecommendedDevice operating system

For example:
[UA_CH_PLATFORM_BRAND]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThe user agent's operating system’s commercial name. (e.g., "Windows", "iOS", or "AmazingOS")
[UA_CH_PLATFORM_VERSION]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThe user agent's operating system’s version. (e.g., "NT 6.0", "15", or "17G")
[UA_CH_MOBILE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedA boolean indicating if the user agent's device is a mobile device. (e.g. 0 if not mobile or 1 if mobile)
[UA_CH_ARCH]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThe user agent's underlying CPU architecture (e.g., "ARM", or "x86")
[UA_CH_BITNESS]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThe user agent's underlying CPU architecture bitness (e.g., "32" or "64")
[UA_CH_MODEL]App, Web, CTVRecommendedThe user agent's device model (e.g. "Pixel 2 XL")
[UA_CH_SOURCE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedDefines how the user client hint has been created:
- header http = 3
- low entropy = 1
- high entropy = 2
- Unknown = 0
[MIN_DURATION]App, Web, CTVRecommendedMinimum length of an ad in seconds
[MAX_DURATION]App, Web, CTVRecommendedMaximum length of an ad in seconds
[MIN_BITRATE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedMinimum allowed average kilobits per second
[MAX_BITRATE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedMaximum allowed average kilobits per second
[SKIP]App, Web, CTVRecommendedIndicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped,
where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
[SEQUENCE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedIf multiple ad impressions are offered in the same bid request,
the sequence number will allow for the coordinated delivery
of multiple creatives.
[MIMES]App, Web, CTVRecommendedContent MIME types supported (e.g., “video/x-ms-wmv”,
[START_DELAY]App, Web, CTVRecommendedIndicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or
post-roll ad placements. Refer to List 
5.12 for additional
generic values.
[GDPR]App, Web, CTVRecommendedIndicates GDPR acceptance

Possible values:
0: GDPR does not apply
1: Impression is regulated by GDPR laws
[GDPR_CONSENT]App, Web, CTVRecommendedBase64-encoded Transparency & Consent string.
Only meaningful if gdpr=1
[US_PRIVACY]App, Web, CTVRecommendedUS Privacy string for CCPA compliance
[CONTENT_GENRE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedGenre that best describes the content
[CONTENT_LANGUAGE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedPlayback language of the video, using ISO-639-1-alpha-2
[CONTENT_LIVESTREAM]App, Web, CTVRecommendedIndicator of whether or not content is livestream enabled
Possible values: 0 = not live, 1 = content is live
[CONTENT_PRODUCER_NAME]App, Web, CTVRecommendedDetails about the content Producer.
For example:
Warner Bros
[CONTENT_PRODUCER_ID]App, Web, CTVRecommendedUnique identifier of the content producer or originator
[CONTENT_SERIES]App, Web, CTVRecommendedContent series.
Video Examples: “The Office” (television), “Star Wars” (movie)
[CONTENT_TITLE]App, Web, CTVRecommendedContent Title
Video Examples: “Search Committee” (television), “A New Hope” (movie)
[CONTENT_CATEGORY]App, Web, CTVRecommendedArray of IAB content categories that describe the content producer
[CONTENT_LENGTH]App, Web, CTVRecommendedLength of content in seconds
[CONTENT_SEASON]App, Web, CTVRecommendedName of content season
Example: "Season 3"
[CONTENT_CONTEXT]App, Web, CTVRecommendedType of content
Example:game, video, text, etc.

Possible values:
1: Video
2: Game
3: Music
4: Application
5: Text
6: Other
7: Unknown
[CONTENT_RATING]App, Web, CTVRecommendedContent rating
Example: PG, R, MPAA
[CONTENT_USER_RATING]App, Web, CTVRecommendedUser rating of the content
Example: Number of stars or likes
[CONTENT_NETWORK]App, Web, CTVRecommendedDescribes overarching network that contains several channels
[CONTENT_CHANNEL]App, Web, CTVRecommendedSpecific network that the content is playing on
[CONTENT_ID]App, Web, CTVRecommendedUnique identifier of the content
[CONTENT_KEYWORDS]App, Web, CTVRecommendedComma separated list of keywords describing the content
For example:

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