
Integrating Teads formats using a Display Ad Server

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Teads formats are compatible with integration through display ad servers providers (Google Ad Manager, Smart AdServer, Rubicon, etc.). 

How to integrate using a Display Ad Server:

Copy the content of the file provided by Teads and paste directly into a 1x1 pixel slot.

Teads format does not display inside the Ad slot where it is loaded, this is why we recommend using a 1x1 size to prevent any unwanted blank space displaying into the Web page. Instead, the Teads format uses dynamic javascript code to determine the best position on the page to place the Teads player.

If you are integrating using an iFrame or SafeFrame please refer to the dedicated article.

GAM Integration

Teads is compatible with every ad server capable of delivering <script> tags, however, in this document we will only discuss how to implement the tag within GAM.

Inside GAM please complete the following steps:

Step 1 - Create a new ad unit

  1. Click on the Inventory Tab
  2. Click New ad-unit
  3. Enter a Code. This is used to identify the ad-unit in the associated ad tag. A Publisher might create: Teads_inRead_1x1 or Teads_inRead_OOP
  4. Enter a Name for the ad-unit, used for targeting and reporting.
  5. Enter a description for the ad-unit. Optional
  6. Set the Sizes to be associated with this ad-unit to help GAM filter the list of ad-units for traffickers. Optional.
    • Fixed-size to define a list of sizes for creatives you expect this ad unit to serve.
    • Smart Banner if the ad-unit is for a mobile app and you want the ad unit to have a fixed height but fill the width of the screen.
  7. Define a target window, it tells the browser where to open the ad's landing page
    • _top: The landing page will load in the full body of the window, breaking out of any frame sets.
    • _blank: The landing page will open in a new, unnamed window.
  8. Additional Optional Features:
    • Placements: Click include next to one or more placement names to associate your new ad-unit.
    • Ad-unit Frequency Cap: Click Add a labeling rule to limit the number of impressions displayed to users for creatives that share the defined labels.
    • Refresh Rate: Set a refresh rate to determine how often a new ad impression is generated.
      Video: How to create ad-units in GAM    Documentation: How to create ad-units in GAM

Step 2 - Create a new order

  1. Click Delivery Tab
  2. Enter the Order information in the appropriate fields. All Order names must be unique within your publisher’s network.
    Video: How to create an Order    Documentation: How to create an Order

Step 3 - Create a new line item, target the Teads ad unit size. Configure the settings and delivery options

  1. Click Delivery Tab.
  2. Create a new order, or click an existing order in the table and click new line-item.
  3. Enter basic information about the line-item.
    • Enter a line item name. Line item names must be unique within the order.
    • Enter the inventory sizes of the creatives you plan to upload.
  4. In the Settings section, enter the line-item type, dates, quantity, and cost, as well as any discount you want to take from the line item's cost. With Sponsorship and Network line-items, instead of an impression quantity, you can enter a goal percentage of total inventory impressions.
  5. Adjust delivery(see screenshot above) settings to tell GAM how quickly to deliver impressions and how to display the line item’s creatives.
    • Evenly (default): Serve impressions as evenly as possible across the number of days specified in a line item. Note that pacing can still vary on an hourly basis.
    • Frontloaded: Serve more impressions at the beginning of the line item's run.
    • As fast as possible: Block lower-priority or lower-value line items from delivering in the selected placements until the requirements of the line item are met. Selecting this option may result in delivery of all booked impressions well before the specified end date for the line item. The default behavior is to deliver ads evenly across the line item's delivery period.
  6. Display creatives:
    • Only one: Show only one creative per page if multiple creatives are associated with this line item.
    • One or more (default): Allow multiple creatives associated with this line item to show.
    • As many as possible: Show creatives in as many ad units as possible.
  7. Rotate creatives:
    • Even: Creatives rotate evenly.
    • Optimized (default): Creative with the highest CTR will be shown more often.
    • Weighted: Creatives rotate at a frequency you specify.
    • Sequential: Creatives rotate in the order you specify. You must enter a number between 1 and 80.
  8. Day and time: Specify days of the week and times of day when the line item can be delivered. Frequency: Limit the number of times that ads from a line item are served to any individual user.
  9. In the Add targeting section, select the inventory you want to target.
  10. Click Save, several options are available:
    • Save and... > New line item allows you to save the current line item and create another new line item.
    • Save and... > Upload creatives allows you to save the current line item and upload creatives for the line item.
    • Save and... > Generate multi-size creative is intended for Ad Exchange line items with multi-size pricing.
      Video: How to create a line item         Documentation: How to create a line item

Step 4 - Add a new creative

  1. Click Delivery > Orders Tab
  2. Click the Order where you'd like to add the creative.
  3. Click the line-item where you'd like to add the creative.
  4. Click Add creatives, all creatives and ad-unit dimensions associated with your line-item will be listed on the top of the left-hand column. You can upload creatives to any ad-unit size in this list.
  5. Select the Creative Type:
    • Custom (out-of-page),


      For Custom creatives make sure you add Macros (required)

    • Third-Party (all other ad-slots / ad-units).
  6. Paste Teads tag inside the Code Snippet field without modifying it.
    • Uncheck "Serve into a SafeFrame",
    • Keep "Serve into a SafeFrame" checked for Teads AMP.

Step 5 - Finalize

Approve the order and set the line item to "live". Please ensure the line item status is "Ready".

Please also ensure that the ad unit you are targeting the Teads tag to has been added to your website.

Once you have implemented the tag, please generate a test page and pass it on to your Account Manager to validate the setup.


For each ad-unit, a GAM ad tag is generated aka GPT (Google Publishing Tag).

GPT (Google Publishing Tag) are snippets of HTML or JavaScript code and are placed into a Publisher’s webpage or mobile app. You can group one or more ad-slots as an ad-unit, which is one block of inventory that can be targeted by line items.

Examples of ad-slots: (Out-of-Page, 1x1, 300x250, 728x90, 300x1).


These are required for OOP creatives.


  • The Click MACRO expands to a special URL so a Publishers can track clicks in GAM for third-party creatives.
  • Should be used 100% of the time with “Campaign” / “GET” Tags.

Viewed Impression

  • The Viewed Impression MACRO enables out-of-page line-items to be counted when they are played or viewed.
  • Out-of-page line-items do not record impressions unless the entire creative has been downloaded to the user's computer. For example, if a web page requests an out-of-page line-item from GAM, but the page never displays the creative, an impression is not recorded.
  • Out-of-page creatives must include the Viewed Impression MACRO for impression counting to work.

You can also review the GAM MACROS documentation for additional information.

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