


AdPlacementSettings Description
enableDebug() This enable debug logging for Teads inApp SDK
enableLocation() This will enable location for Teads inApp SDK
useLightEndScreen() This will allow Teads inApp SDK to display end screen with light color
userConsent (subjectGdpr: String , consent: String , tcfVersion: TCFVersion , cmpSdkId: Int) The GDPR status and consent, should match the IAB specifications https://github.com/InteractiveAdvertisingBureau/GDPR-Transparency-and-Consent-Framework/blob/master/TCFv2/IAB%20Tech%20Lab%20-%20CMP%20API%20v2.md#how-is-a-cmp-used-in-app%20In-App%20Consent%20APIs%20v1.0%20Final.md
setUsPrivacy(usPrivacy: String) The CCPA consent string, should match the IAB specifications https://iabtechlab.com/standards/ccpa/
disableCrashMonitoring() Disable crash monitoring. It will collect Teads crashes by default
addPlacementExtra() Add extra data to Teads inApp SDK
hideBrowserUrl() Hide the website url in the internal browser only. The url is visible by default.
toolBarBackgroundColor(color: int) Set the toolbar background color on the browser.
mediaScale: MediaScale This is to set how the MediaView scale on its container. You can switch between CENTER_CROP (default) and CENTER_INSIDE.

Currently this behavior works only for images, not videos. Videos are scale to CENTER_INSIDE by default.

*Available only for Native Ad (Classic or Mediation).


AdRequestSettings Description
pageSlotUrl(url: String) This gives context to Teads inApp SDK for Brand Safety
enableValidationMode() This enable the validation tool mode for Teads inApp SDK
addExtra(key: String, value: String) Add extra data to Teads inApp SDK


TeadsMediationSettings Description
enableDebug() This enable debug logging for Teads inApp SDK
enableLocation() This will enable location for Teads inApp SDK
useLightEndScreen() This will allow Teads inApp SDK to display end screen with light color
userConsent (subjectGdpr: String , consent: String , tcfVersion: TCFVersion , cmpSdkId: Int) The GDPR status and consent, should match the IAB specifications https://github.com/InteractiveAdvertisingBureau/GDPR-Transparency-and-Consent-Framework/blob/master/TCFv2/IAB%20Tech%20Lab%20-%20CMP%20API%20v2.md#how-is-a-cmp-used-in-app%20In-App%20Consent%20APIs%20v1.0%20Final.md
setUsPrivacy(usPrivacy: String) The CCPA consent string, should match the IAB specifications https://iabtechlab.com/standards/ccpa/
disableCrashMonitoring() Disable crash monitoring. It will collect Teads crashes by default
addPlacementExtra() Add extra data to Teads inApp SDK
hideBrowserUrl() Hide the website url in the internal browser only. The url is visible by default.
toolBarBackgroundColor(color: int) Set the toolbar background color on the browser.
pageSlotUrl(url: String) This gives context to Teads inApp SDK for Brand Safety
enableValidationMode() This enable the validation tool mode for Teads inApp SDK
addExtra(key: String, value: String) Add extra data to Teads inApp SDK
setMediationListenerKey(key: Int) This is used in mediation to retrieve the TeadsAdapterListener
setMediaScale(mediaScale: MediaScale) This is to set how the MediaView scale on its container. You can switch between CENTER_CROP (default) and CENTER_INSIDE.

Currently this behavior works only for images, not videos. Videos are scale to CENTER_INSIDE by default.

*Available only for Native Ad (Classic or Mediation).

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