
Standard Prebid Integration - TeadsPBMPluginRenderer

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Register the Teads plugin renderer
  4. Specify contextUrl targeting
  5. TeadsMediationSettings
  6. Ad Formats
  7. Ad Request
  8. Ad Listener
  9. Ad Resizing
  10. PluginRenderer under the hood
  11. Prebid Server setup
  12. Check list

This article shows you how to deliver Teads ads on your application using the Prebid Mobile SDK.

Sample Teads App on GitHub
Teads inApp SDK Sample App

Sample Prebid App on GitHub
Prebid Internal Test App



Before installing the Teads Prebid adapter, you will need to integrate Prebid SDK into your application.



allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url  "https://teads.jfrog.io/artifactory/SDKAndroid-maven-prod" }


dependencies {
  implementation 'org.prebid:prebid-mobile-sdk:2.1.6' // or higher

  // Teads inApp SDK
  implementation("tv.teads.sdk.android:sdk:5.1.x@aar") { // or higher
    transitive = true

  // Teads Prebid Adapter
  implementation 'tv.teads.sdk.android:prebidadapter:5.1.x' // or higher

Register the Teads plugin renderer

You need to register the Teads plugin renderer. Such registration can be done just once during the initialisation of your app or activity.

import org.prebid.mobile.PrebidMobile
import tv.teads.adapter.prebid.TeadsPBMPluginRenderer


You can also pass in the plugin renderer constructor a TeadsMediationSettings class.

import org.prebid.mobile.PrebidMobile
import tv.teads.adapter.prebid.TeadsPBMPluginRenderer
import tv.teads.sdk.TeadsMediationSettings

val teadsMediationSettings = TeadsMediationSettings().Builder.build()

val teadsPluginRenderer = TeadsPBMPluginRenderer(
        context = context,
        teadsMediationSettings = teadsMediationSettings


Specify contextUrl targeting

Set the publisher http page url that matches the content where Teads Ad will be loaded.
This values helps to target context and also guaranty brand safety to our advertisers.

import org.prebid.mobile.TargetingParams

TargetingParams.addExtData("contextUrl", "https://example.com/my_article_1")


Find the full settings list here

Ad Formats

Currently the Teads plugin renderer supports Banner only.

ℹ️ Notice that banners could serve image and video as well according to your banner ad unit setup.

If you make use of other ad formats in your Prebid SDK implementation, other demand partners will continue to be able to serve your bid requests normally.

Ad Request

No additional step should be made on your app implementation in order to request ads, just integrate your Prebid BannerView normally according to the Prebid SDK docs.

Ad Listener

To be fully aware of Teads ad lifecycle, subscribe on your Prebid BannerView to the TeadsPBMEventListener interface.

import org.prebid.mobile.api.rendering.BannerView
import tv.teads.adapter.prebid.TeadsPBMEventListener

bannerView?.setPluginEventListener(object : TeadsPBMEventListener {    
    fun onAdRatioUpdate(adRatio: AdRatio) { }
    fun onAdExpandedToFullscreen() { }
    fun onAdCollapsedFromFullscreen() { }
    fun onFailToReceiveAd(failReason: String) { }

Other ad events such as onAdClicked, onAdDisplayed and so on can be listened by implementing Prebid BannerViewListener and BannerVideoListener interfaces directly. Please check all events on the Prebid SDK docs.

Ad Resizing

This part is a must and not implementing it will drastically affect the fill rate from Teads demand.

Having the ad creative correctly rendered is crucial to ensure great user experience and good performance measurement.

Allowed by VPAID standard; ads can adopt modular dimensions and ratio in place of pre-defined fixed sizes making necessary to be able to dynamically adapt the size and ratio of the ad view depending on the loaded creative.

Even though resize requests occur generally in the ad initialisation steps, it is necessary to be able to satisfy them all along the ad experience.

No action is required if the height constraint of the ad view (and its parent) is set to "wrap_content". The ad View will natively adapt to the requested ratio.

In the other case, it is mandatory to programmatically adapt the size of the Ad container.
The Teads inApp SDK will notify you each resize request coming from the creative.

AdRatio contains all information to calculate the corresponding height for the requested width.
Use calculateHeight to ease the calculation.

See the sample below where the containerAdView is the view group that encapsulates your BannerView

import org.prebid.mobile.api.rendering.BannerView
import tv.teads.adapter.prebid.TeadsPBMEventListener

bannerView?.setPluginEventListener(object : TeadsPBMEventListener {    
    fun onAdRatioUpdate(adRatio: AdRatio) {
        val adViewParams = containerAdView.layoutParams

        adViewParams.height = adRatio.calculateHeight(bannerView.measuredWidth)
        containerAdView.layoutParams = adViewParams

    fun onAdExpandedToFullscreen() { }
    fun onAdCollapsedFromFullscreen() { }
    fun onFailToReceiveAd(failReason: String) { }

PluginRenderer under the hood

If you look for more understanding regarding how a plugin renderer works over the Prebid Mobile SDK, please find more here.

Prebid Server setup

Notice that in order to turn your Teads plugin renderer fully functional and leverage from Teads demand you need to wire the Teads Adapter to your Prebid Server, please find more here.

The following configuration for each of your ad slots name is required:

  "name": "imp-300x250-banner"

A placement id provided by your publisher manager is required as the sample below:

  "ext": {
    "teads": {
      "placementId": 204344

Check list

  • ✅ Register the Teads plugin renderer
  • ✅ Subscribe to the event listeners
  • ✅ Implement ad view resizing
  • ✅ Setup your Prebid Server with the Teads Adapter
  • ✅ Ensure Brand Safety is enabled
  • ✅ Ensure you comply with privacy legal requirements (GDPR/CCPA).
  • ✅ Comply with app-ads.txt

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